Democrats confronted after Trump speech: ‘Why didn’t you stand?’



Im 26 years old and have yet to hear a democrat actually explain their position.



    • So, you don’t like unions, safety regulations in your workplace, mandatory minimum wage? You don’t plan to need Social Security or medical insurance?

      • You are one very stupid person. Typical dummycrat alks big shit all of the sudden about union jobs but YOU had no problem with the coal miners being put out of work, or the oil industry workers being made unemployed by shitpants Joe or all the UAW jobs being send to other countries where there is NO unions or a minimum wage, the latest being John Deere workers. And social security was NOT started by the unions, it was strictly FDR. And the only reason jobs come with benefits is because during WW2 when labor was in short supply and with the USA manufacturing most of the military hardware needed to win WW2 for all allied countries, the US government decided to keep production cost down by freezing wages. Since companies couldn’t entice people to come to work for them by offering higher wages, they decided to offer benefit packages to entice workers to come to their company. The benefit packages have stuck around ever since WW2 ended. And medicare also had nothing to do with unions. But it’s stupid thieving pile of shit dummycrats like YOU who have been stealing money from Social Security and Medicare since the mid 1960s to fund a losing war when dummycrat LBJ was president just to satisfy the military industrial complex while wasting the lives of over 55,000 Americans. Sandi J, EAT SHIT!

        • I have to agree with you. Democrats aren’t seeing the whole picture, ever, or just failing to understand. They complain about the environment but then happily send jobs overseas where goods are produced in the filthiest way in the most dangerous of conditions by people who are practically enslaved. Then the goods are then shipped back here. Doesn’t make a lick of sense.

      • We have labor laws, safety regulations and OSHA, we have established minimum wages. In the past, before we had those things, unions served a purpose other than grift and political meddling. The California Teacher’s Union is the reason why we can’t check for a teachers criminal records before hire. There are many, many instances of abuse towards kids that wouldn’t have happened in our state if it wasn’t blocked by the teacher’s union.

  1. They didn’t stand for an hour and a half of lies, repeated lies, grandstanding, and baseless accusations at our long-time allies. Why would anyone stand for that?

    I was disgusted at the Republicans’ applause every time T. paused to ask for it; they were nearly re-enacting the way Soviet aparatchiks were required to keep applauding Stalin and given demerits if they stopped to soon.

    • I’m NOT standing for YOUR complete idiotic bullshit. And YOU dummycrats have publicly spoken that YOU people admire Joe Stalin, the same first name as shitpants Joe. You are so full of shit you should live with your own kind, in the basement of an outhouse.

  2. Our govt has been raiding the Social Security cookie jar for many years. It started with LBJ. He needed the money to fund his senseless war in Vietnam. In California, Newscum raised the minimum wage to $20. Prices went up and many businesses went out of business. NY State is following the same destructive path. Whatever Newscum does in California, cuckoo Kathy Hochul does here.

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