I’m sooo tired of the Obummers. Barry doesn’t hold public office anymore. The only thing that scares me is, Big Mike could run for president. That bitch could actually win.
No big Mike cannot win the presidency.Trump got rid of a good part of these freaks of nature.If he can deport all of them to iraq and iran and his four your term we will never have to worry about creatures like big mike and barack ever again
I was never a fan of Obama. Where did their daughters come from? Adopted? I don’t think so. Both Malia and Sasha look like their mother. Sasha definitely has her mother’s smile.
I’m sooo tired of the Obummers. Barry doesn’t hold public office anymore. The only thing that scares me is, Big Mike could run for president. That bitch could actually win.
No big Mike cannot win the presidency.Trump got rid of a good part of these freaks of nature.If he can deport all of them to iraq and iran and his four your term we will never have to worry about creatures like big mike and barack ever again
I was never a fan of Obama. Where did their daughters come from? Adopted? I don’t think so. Both Malia and Sasha look like their mother. Sasha definitely has her mother’s smile.
Joan Rivers before she passed away stated on camera that she is a MAN!! HMMM